Chatham Formation Classes

Chatham Formation Classes are designed to offer comprehensive spiritual formation through teaching and training. We use this time to make disciples of Jesus through four core areas of instruction, including Sound Doctrine, Christian Vocation, Spiritual Practices and Missional Living. We also utilize this time for prayer, fellowship, ministry connections and more throughout the year.

All classes and events begin at 9 a.m. unless otherwise noted, and everyone is welcome to attend, though some classes may require prior registration. A lift (currently in process of being replaced) is available in the gym for upstairs access.

See children's Sunday School details on our Kids & Youth page.

Formation ClassES - SPRING 2024

Our spring session runs April 7 to May 19. Classes listed below begin on April 14.

April 7 - Ministry Focused Prayer
Gather with us this morning as we go to the Lord in prayer for the ministries of Chatham. We will meet in the Worship Center.

May 26 - Fellowship Breakfast
Classes for all ages will take a break for Memorial Day weekend, and we'll enjoy a time of food and fellowship in the Activity Center.

  • Parenting Class
    Led by Pastor Sergei & Panel Discussion, Fellowship Room Upstairs

    Come hear from different parents as they share their experiences of raising children in particular age ranges. We’ll start with an intro. session looking at Deuteronomy 6, then work our way through the stages of parenting. Each week, we’ll tackle a different age range, starting with pre-school all the way to adult children and grandchildren. Our goal is to encourage and equip parents as they train up their children in the Lord. We’ll hear about topics like family devotionals, discipline, repentance, technology and more. If you are interested in parenting, come with questions and be encouraged as we seek to model the gospel and genuine faith to our children.

  • The Book of Zephaniah
    Led by Chuck Hlavaty, Room 14


    Through the course of six weeks, we’ll read what Zephaniah wrote (and what God said), see the hidden treasures for those who love the Lord, and become aware of sobering descriptions of His wrath for those who will not listen to His promises of hope. God promises to deal with all oppressors, save the lame, gather the outcast and turn their shame into praise and renown in all the earth. This is a promise to Israel, and a promise to the Gentiles! Put together, we see Israel’s two kingdoms will be united again. Life will be beyond what we can imagine. And the Lord and KingRuler, Warrior and Judgewill fill us full of love and remove all fear.