Connecting & Membership

If you are ready to become more involved, we are excited to get to know you and want to help you get connected at Chatham. We have a simple and helpful process to guide you into community, discipleship and service in the life of the church.


A Welcome Breakfast or Lunch is your first step in getting connected at Chatham. You’ll have an opportunity to meet some of our leaders and other members, learn more about our beliefs and practices, and ask questions, plus we'll provide the food. Welcome events are scheduled several times throughout the year. When an event is scheduled, registration is available at the Welcome Kiosk in the Worship Center foyer or you can contact the church office to let us know you plan to attend.


If you’ve attended a Welcome Event and are interested in becoming a member, you’ll want to register for our next New Member Class. This class introduces you in more detail to Chatham’s purpose, priorities, strategy and vision, and what it means to be a member in a covenant community.


Once you’ve taken the New Member Class, you will meet with some of our elders for a special interview to discuss your faith and spiritual gifts. New members who complete the membership process are then briefly introduced to and affirmed by the congregation during a Sunday morning service.

the meaning of membership

Membership is a covenant relationship with the people at Chatham. Becoming a member means you are dedicated to joining us in making disciples of Jesus, growing in Christ with others, giving of what God has given you, using your skills to serve others, becoming part of a Small Group and being sent out to share Jesus' love in the world. We serve together in loving community to glorify God and expand His Kingdom.


Please contact one of our leaders if you have any questions on getting connected or becoming a member at Chatham.