Pray for the lou 2025

During the season of Lent, Chatham will participate in Pray for the Lou, a regional prayer event with opportunities to join in prayer with other St. Louis area churches and believers.

This year, PFTL will gather for prayer and worship in one location in downtown St. Louis over the span of 72 hours from March 13-16. All believers are welcome to attend this gathering. See their schedule overview to learn more.

PRAYER WALK - Saturday, March 15 | 10 a.m. to Noon

This morning, we will prayer walk in neighborhoods and business areas surrounding Chatham at the same time as other churches prayer walk throughout our region. If you are a Christian whose church is not already participating, you are welcome to join us.

Those who are unable to walk outdoors are encouraged to participate by praying in the Worship Center or throughout the building.
You may also wish to prayer walk with a group in your own neighborhood if you live further away.

For those joining us at Chatham:

  • Please arrive by 10 a.m. for instructions in the parking lot (or Worship Center, if weather does not permit starting outdoors).
  • Groups of no more than six will head out to assigned locations.
  • We’ll regroup at Chatham at 11:30 a.m. for debriefing and sharing.
  • We plan to finish by noon.
  • Be sure to dress for the weather. This is a rain or shine event!

We are excited to again join with other area churches during this time as we pray for the Lord to move in Hazelwood and the greater St. Louis region!

How Do We Pray? More on Prayer Walking

As we prayer walk near Chatham and in area neighborhoods, we want to pray "on site with insight." Here are three kinds of insights to consider:

• Researched Insight - Hazelwood is one of the largest cities in the St. Louis area, with a population of around 25,000 residents and 800 business. While businesses appear to be increasing, residency has been somewhat on the decline in recent years, with some increase in poverty and a growing homeless population in local hotels. This affects staff and families in area schools, including Armstrong Elementary and Hazelwood West, with which we partner. Those living and working in Hazelwood will have other personal insights.

• Responsive Insight - What do you see as you walk? Are there people out? What state are the buildings in? How about schools and businesses? What positive things or other ministries are happening here that we can bless? Pray with your eyes open and in response to what you notice. We are not going "door-to-door," but you might pray with someone you meet along the way if appropriate. Watch for God-directed encounters.

• Revealed Insight - How does Jesus see our city and our neighborhood? What does He want to see happen here? Ask Him as you walk, and pray as He leads.

Prayer Walking Guide

You can also download and review this basic prayer guide, encouraging us to pray for discernment and blessing, with empathy, from Scripture and in God's power.

Training Videos
Whether you've prayer walked before or this will be your first experience, these brief videos from Pray for the Lou founder Kurt Wilson provide more helpful considerations before heading out.

The Purpose of Prayer Walking

The Practicals of Prayer Walking

The Prayer of Prayer Walking