Unity Sunday 2022, October 2

Unity Sunday brings together several North County churches to promote Christ-centered unity and relationships, especially between predominantly black and predominantly white congregations. It began in 2016 as a cooperative effort among the North County Pastors' Group churches.

On the morning of Sunday, October 2, we'll enjoy a pulpit swap at Chatham with guest preacher Cedric Jones from Friendly Temple.

In the afternoon, Grace Bible Church, 1912 Central Pkwy. in Florissant, will host lunch ​for our North County churches starting at noon, followed by a prayer and worship service open to all at 1:30 p.m. The lunch and service are always great opportunities to meet, fellowship and worship with brothers and sisters from several churches.

This year, Unity Sunday is also Day 8 of 10 Days of Prayer St. Louis. Learn more on our 10 Days of Prayer page.