We like to think we won't forget all that the Lord has done for us, but over the years, the chaos and challenges of life in a fallen world weigh us down. The tyranny of the urgent overshadows our hope of the eternal, and we watch our joy fade into complacency, or even sorrow. We need to sit together with our sisters and remember stories of God’s redemption so we can remember the joy of our salvation. And that's just what we hope to do at this year's 2025 Chatham Women's Conference: Remember Your Joy! We are thrilled to gather to worship and fellowship together while we consider how three Old Testament stories point to our greater salvation in Christ—and lead us to greater joy.
This special event will be held on the evening of Friday, March 28 and throughout the day on Saturday, March 29. Come enjoy live worship as well as rich virtual teaching from three sound Bible teachers: Melissa Kruger, Jackie Hill Perry and Courtney Doctor. Conference cost is just $25 for adults and $15 for teens, which includes a catered dinner Friday night, and a light (optional) breakfast and lunch on Saturday. In-person registration is available Sunday mornings starting February 23, but anyone may register and pay online. Registration deadline is March 22.
REALM USERS: Please sign in to your account for easy registration.
women's conference online registration (Coming Soon!)
Friday, March 28
Saturday, March 29