Chatham Formation Classes

Chatham Formation Classes are designed to offer comprehensive spiritual formation through teaching and training. We use this time to make disciples of Jesus through four core areas of instruction, including Sound Doctrine, Christian Vocation, Spiritual Practices and Missional Living. We also utilize this time for prayer, fellowship, ministry connections and more throughout the year.

All classes and events begin at 9 a.m. unless otherwise noted, and everyone is welcome to attend, though some classes may require prior registration. A lift is available in the gym for upstairs access.

See children's Sunday School details on our Kids & Youth page.


Our summer session runs June 2 to August 25. Classes listed below run through August 4.

August 11
- Ministry Focused Prayer
Gather with us this morning in the Fellowship Room upstairs as we go to the Lord in prayer for the ministries of Chatham.

August 18 - Missionary Presentation
Today, we will hear from Leroy and Debbie Zumack about their ministry in France. We'll meet in the Fellowship Room upstairs.

August 25 - Summer Reading Club Discussion
Join us in the Fellowship room for our Summer Reading Club discussion of the book “Life Together” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

August 31-September 1 - 24-Hour Prayer Vigil
All classes will take a break for Labor Day weekend, and we'll join in a 24-hour prayer vigil ahead of our Fall Kickoff.

  • Spiritual Warfare: A Class for All Believers

    Led by Clifton Berry, Room 24/25 Upstairs

    During our time together, we will: 1) explore the foundational issues of the sufficiency of scripture and the nature of the spiritual battle, 2) discuss the Christian's three enemies, 3) address some of the unscriptural warfare practices prevalent in Christian circles, 4) tackle some key questions, such as, "Can a Christian be possessed by demons?" and 5) end with a study of the armor of God in the context of Ephesians 6. In the process, my hope is that you and I will be better prepared for the battle, and more in awe of Christ and of the provision we have in Him.

  • A Walk ThrU the Psalms: A Workshop on Worship

    Led by Dave Greiner, Fellowship Room UPstairs


    During this 10-week class, we will consider the entire Psalter. The class will be primarily devotional rather than academic, and we’ll spend time worshiping our Lord in and with the psalms, including responsive reading, singing, and praying together. Students will be encouraged to follow a reading schedule, which will have us read through all the psalms (about 40 verses a day). Rather than reading through chronologically, we’ll read according to 12 different categories or genres, such as hymn psalms, wisdom psalms, lament psalms, etc.